
Saturday, June 1, 2013


I changed the design of my blog a bit and I am curious if there are any suggestions for it or maybe you have a new topic for me to write about, because I am a bit boring at the moment haha...

I want my blog style to match with my mood with worlds mood and the weather and season of course.
It is raining here at the moment. I think. Maybe it stopped for a while but in general the weather here is very dark last days. Sometimes the sun is coming out but not very often. Most of the time it rains. I love the rain. And the storm. I love it when I am sitting inside in my warm bed and hearing the wind howling outside, how the thunder is fulminating and the lightening is sheding light into my room. That is awesome.

Of course, hard storms are dangerous, but there is this excitement that fills my body when hearing the thunder. It's like the call of a wolf for the hunt.

Rain, Rain pour down on me,
the sweet angels tears
Rain, Rain please set me free,
from the darkness and all my fears.

When the thunder is calling
my monster alive,
I'm falling I'm falling
Rain, Rain I want to shrive

My sins my mistakes
my life in fun and hates
I didn't believe
didn't know what it takes

Now I am walking
without feet or desease
now I am talking...
without tounge..... Allah Hafiz....

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