
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Acne Coverage and Make-Up

I just watched a video about a girl talking about Acne coverage and make up.
The girl said:

"The people who always tell you "omg why do you wear make up? If I was you I wouldn't wear make-up. That is a vicious circle, it will just get worse (...)" are mostly those people who don't have problems with acne themselves. And that's when I just think "... common just shut up you can't even talk about that topic through experience!" of course, without make-up is better for the skin, because most make-ups include silicons and so on... of course it is better for the skin, but I think what mainly matters is the quality of life! I mean, you already suffer from your bad skin and I think if you sometimes cover your skin completely, so that it is fully covered and looks perfect, why not? A few times you can do it, can't you?"

Well I agree on some points. She also added after this how important it is to put off the make-up before going to bed and so on, but that is not the point I want to write about now.

Of course it is not bad to put on make-up. It is a blessing for everyone, not to have pimples or having natural beauty, but for me, everyone is perfect as they are. I don't care about make-up or not make-up (my personal decision is not make-up and I sometimes get pimples ;) haha) but the thing that matters is the inside of a human. That is also the use of Hijab or Niqab, to make the humans look at the inside of someone and not just at the figure, at the skin, at the legs, ... the thing is that everyone is perfect and trying to make yourself more beautiful doesn't make real sense I think. Not even for the boys. I mean I don't want to marry someone who only loves me because my skin looks perfect, when I put off my make-up he will get a heart attack! lol

I mean, just the name of that thing called make-up, it says everything!
Make up the beauty.
Make up the perfection.
Make it up and be happy, be loved for something you made up.

I would better be hated for something I am, than being loved for something I am not. This is my decision.

Ok I think that is enough from my side, how do you think about it? Is it good to fully cover your skin with make-up? And what is the higher sense behind your decision? Write it in the comments! :) thank you :D

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